7 Days Loan Apps List 2024 – Dark Reality

7 days loan apps are getting popular in today’s world. In the world of internet people are running too fast in every field. Not only people are developing in every field but the transition that is happened in the loan sectors is seriously huge advantage for many people.

Well due to rise in competition not only common people can get instant loan unlike what it was some years back. 7 days loan apps is growing many people using instant loan to avoid the bank queue. But there are lots of dark side is also coming into the picture when it comes to instant loan apps or 7 days loan apps. Have a look in a detail about everything regarding 7 days loan apps.

Disclaimer : Do your own research before putting money anywhere. It will be better to ask the help of financial advisor before taking money from anywhere. This is only for educational purpose.

What are 7 days Loan Apps?

As the name suggests 7 days loan apps are loan providing apps which provide loans for very less duration of time. One can assume for the loan duration will be around weeks.

Note: Read the company terms and conditions to get a clear idea about their policy.

Well most of the 7 days loan apps are not legal in India. Nor they are registered with RBI or any NBFC. So it becomes very important to every individual to take care of it. And always have an eye on RBI to get better and guaranteed news which will help people to make a wise decision when it comes to taking the money from any companies.

As you know there are always two sides of everything. First is pros and second is cons. There is not any problem. But it can create a problem if there is only problem and problem. This what happens when you look to 7 days loan apps list. You yourself have a look.

Pros of 7 days loan apps

There are lots of advantages of 7 days loan apps:-

1. No documents or very less documents

7 days loan apps have this feature or you can say the trap of no documents or very minimal documentation. Innocent people think that it is great that they are not asking for any document like bank which ask dozens of documents. But they fail to realize the thing that great things takes time. Unfortunately or fortunately instants loans provides no documents or very less documentation for the loan process.

2. Instant Access

7 days loan apps are easy and quick access. One can get the loan instantly without any taking headache they can avail these feature from their home sitting on their couch. That’s people love these instant loan apps which helps them to avoid the long queue which they used to do to get the loan.

3. Flexible repayment policy

One has the option to select the duration of loan repayment according to their convenience. So this make the customer attractive for taking the instant loans.

Cons of 7 days loan apps

There are more disadvantages of 7 days loan apps:

1. High Interest

Seriously these 7 days loan apps can charge you anywhere above 30- 40% easily if you fail or whatever. So if you have assurity that you can repay on time then only you can take a loan or avoid this.

2. Privacy problem

Interest is another I mean one can afford to pay high interest but no one can put their privacy at risk. This is what problem with 7 days loans apps. Many cases have come out that people are stressed about the behavior of instant loans app. No one wants to put their privacy at risk. In this case, most of all instant apps have a bad image when it comes to privacy concerns.

3. Negative impact on Credit Score

Due to the high interest and all the nuisance created by most of the fraudulent loan apps it directly or indirectly affects the credit score. Credit score is very important if you know a little bit about credit history or credit card. So I highly suggest taking care of yourself and your credit score also both are equally important.

4. Bad practices

Bad practices in the sense you know that if you fail to repay the bank loan on time their member will come to your home and ask for money. Do you know that you till date were thinking that you feel ashamed when people come to your house for loan repayment? But hold on when it comes to the instant loan app. When you fail to pay the instant loan app on time they will call your relatives because you had given access to your contacts. They misuse your photos and data to get their money back anyhow. Now you will say the bank is much better than all these stupid fraud loans app who does cheap things to recover money right?

5. Poor impact on Health

Well if you don’t pay money on time you will have stress, anxiety, or depression. That’s why many people around you are struggling with the most common problem of debt. That’s why personal finance knowledge becomes very important if you want to achieve financial freedom and also live a healthy life.

How to distinguish real loan apps?

Well as I earlier told that there are may fake loan apps available in the market. You can say that 9 out of 10 loan apps are fake. It becomes very important to pay attention and be alert always when it comes to dealing with money. I know many people struggle with money. That’s why I always say to every people do proper homework before putting money anywhere or from taking money from any loan companies. Some of the factors discussed below will help you to decide the right app for you.

1. RBI

RBI is head of every finance activities in short if you don’t what who is RBI. If you came across such 7 days loan apps you can directly contact to RBI. So that they can take legal action against these fake apps who is taking common people money. If you want to know the particular loan app is real or fdake you can go and see whether the app is registered with RBI or any NBFC which will help you to distinguish the genuine app.

2. Trustworthy Brands

If you are looking take a loan from instant providing loan you can go with trustworthy or popular brands. So you can protect your wealth. It is always a good choice to go with old and loyal providing company which moto is to take care of the customer first.

3. Be alert if it is a third-party loan app

When you download anything you should see to it is listed on play store because the chance of getting fraud will reduced because play store don’t give permissions to third party apps which seems fraudulent. I am just saying the chance of getting fake reduces not eliminated. You need to check RBI registered or not for confirmation.

4. Reviews

There are lots of reviews on play store so that one can get to know how the app is? Whether the loan app is genuine or not. You can read article on google also and there are some YouTubers who create good content on this you can also see the review before taking money from fishy apps.

5. Ask nearby people

I know many people around you have taken loan in their life. It will be much better option for you so go and ask whats the policy about that loan company they applied the customer service etc etc.

6. Get the help of a financial advisor

I know getting the help of a financial advisor will charge you some bucks. I mean no problem or what happened. If the person is giving right guidance so whats the problem to give some money to them as a fees. Rather wasting your money or putting your money in danger with instant loan apps.

7 days loan apps list ( Real )

Well there are lots of 7 days loan apps or instant loan apps. But I had mentioned only that one which is popular among the common people and have good image in the market. Some of the 7 days loan apps list look like this:-

Sr. No.Instant Loan Apps ListPlay Store DownloadsPlay Store Ratings
1Bajaj Finserv50 M +4.7
2Navi50 M +4.7
3Buddy Loan10 M +4.5
4Money View10 M +4.7
5mPokket10 M +4.4
6LazyPay10 M +4.4
7Home Credit10 M +4.4
8Creditbee50 M +4.6
9True Balance50 M +4.4
7 days loan apps list ( Real )

7 days loan apps list ( Fake )

Sr. No.Fake Loan App
2Creditt Now
5AMP Credit
6Cash Advance
7Dutta Rupee
8Swift Seconds
9Mighty Rupees 05
10Handy Cash A
7 days loan apps list ( Fake )

Trust me guys the list not stop here of 7 days loan apps list but I tried to stop by writing the names of the only few fake apps. Anyways I just wanted you to know that you should be aware of all these such scam apps who always in search of taking money from common people.

Sign of fake loan apps?

Well it hard to recognise the fake loan apps because people are getting clever doing this. Whats the use of becoming clever in fooling common people and taking their hard earned money. Anyways but no matter how smart they act but every wrong things come to an end. Here are some signs of fake loans app so that you can protect your wealth.

1. Very low interest

Atleast you know an that loan interest is hight? Right? Still you make a decision in greed. If the asking loan company is asking less interest you yourself should know that there is something wrong. You should get alert and time to look to other rather then putting your money in risk.

2. No documentation

Tell me one thing if some one who is unknown to you and ask for loan. Will you pay to them without knowing them or without asking them for any documents. Will you them loan? No an so why anyone will give you loan without any documentation I hope now you got the point.

3. Hidden fees

Hidden fees is also one of the major problem in these 7 days loan apps. You need to be alert all the time and you should carefully and completely read all their policy before accepting their terms and conditions. That’s it is always recommended to read the agreement before signing or accept it.

4. Instant loan disbursed

Again asking the question tell me if you give loan to anyone first you will check everything about that person whether they are capable of giving your loan back on time or not. All these will take some times. There are some protocol which needed to followed and it is for welfare of us. But here instant loan app give money in no time. I mean how. Or they just give you no matter you are capable of returning it or not at the end they are looking to snatch away all your money with the help of their huge interest rate.

5. Asking for contact access

If the instant loan apps are asking for the contact access that means its time to look to another one. You can’t make this stupidity of putting your privacy at risk for loan.

6. Unsecured websites

First go and see their official website of the particular loan providing bank. If you don’t find their official website that means seriously something is wrong or if you get and found that the website is not secure you need to be alert.

7. No physical presence

Well every known and big or small company has physical presence. I mean to say that they have their office somewhere on this planet. Ha ha. Anyways so you should check for this if possible go and visit for assurity its up to you.

7 days loan apps harassment what to do?

If in case you are in the trap of 7 days loan fake apps or you know someone who is struggling due to this. Here are some of the legal actions one can take.

1. Contact RBI

2. Cybercrime

3. Police station

4. Consumer Affair

5. Cybercrime helpline

6. National Consumer Helpline

7 days loan apps list ( Bonus Tips )

  1. Always prefer bank or known apps for taking loan
  2. 2. Get the help of financial advisor
  3. 3. Stay away from all these fraudulent app


Should I take loan from 7 days loan apps?

No.. and trust me I also don’t recommend anyone but now it’s up to you.

Last Call

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