Money Saving Tips (29 Practical Money Tips)

You also end up your salary before the next payment you get. This article will give 29 Money Saving Tips or ideas which will help you to same more bucks instantly if you start applying these saving tips in your life.

29 Money Saving Tips

  1. Don’t show off
  2. Never increase your expenses with an increment
  3. Do full payment instead of EMI
  4. Delayed Gratification
  5. 30-Day Saving Rule
  6. Look for discounts
  7. Have a list before going shopping
  8. Use cash instead for online payment
  9. Bulk Shopping
  10. Pay off debt as soon as possible
  11. Government transportation
  12. Look at 3-4 shops
  13. Save Tax legally
  14. Pay Yourself First
  15. Stay away from selfish friends
  16. Avoid frequent parties
  17. You can leave without a subscription also
  18. Automate your savings
  19. Create a budget
  20. Track your expenses
  21. Cut unwanted expenses
  22. Create Emergency Fund
  23. Look at your bills
  24. Don’t make your house storehouse
  25. Invest your money
  26. Earn more to save more
  27. Get the help of a financial advisor
  28. Review
  29. Patience

1. Don’t do show off

Yeah, I know that it’s your favorite topic because no matter how many people tell you but still you make this mistake again and again if you seriously want to save more and more money you need to stop this right? Do you know that doing show off is the fastest way to become poor now it’s your choice what you want to do save money or waste money by showing off to other people who really don’t care about you. At the end call will be yours.

2. Never increase your expenses with an increment

If you want to save more money you need to understand that you have a limited amount of money and your expenses are seriously unstoppable. You need to fix this mistake anyhow, if you increase your expenses with the increment that is seriously the red flag for you. Because no matter how much you earn. Lets say if you earn 1 million dollars every month and you spend 1 million. What’s the use of that so you can’t do this stupidity if you seriously want to save money?

3. Do full payment instead of EMI

Well, I know you might be doubtful about what I am saying but. Seriously let’s say you want to get something and you have that amount of money you should go with full payment rather than doing EMI. I know if something that you want it’s lots of capital then EMI is ok but if that amount is payable in one pay you should go with it because you never know and you don’t know how much interest you pay or you can say that you waste your money in those EMI okay. So I highly suggest if you have that money don’t pay out that extra money in the form of EMI.

4. Delayed Gratification

It’s very important listen many times it happens that we want something but later after some moment we realise that no it’s not needed. Or it happens that we buy something and after that, we regret that why purchase that particular thing. Delayed gratification not only helps you to save money but also helps to make you mature person when it comes to takes a wise money decision okay. So do try delayed gratification and it will absolutely help you to move your money graph drastically up.

5. 30-Day Saving Rule

30 days saving ruling is amazing and if you follow this you will instantly save tons amount of money. If you don’t believe me just be with me let’s say you want to buy something let’s see its price is around 1000 dollars you think that it is important but you wait for 30 days you will just wait for it and after 30 days you realize that you don’t need that thing or is not important at that time and this 30 days saving rule will help you to seriously save tons of amount instantly.

6. Look for discounts

There are lots of vouchers, coupon codes and all those discounts which are available throughout the day and every day but listen to one thing that if you seriously need that thing then you will go for looking for that discount and if you don’t need that thing don’t unnecessarily spend money okay purchasing anything just because they had given a discount on that you can’t do this mistake. This is wrong. Are you getting?

7. Have a list before going shopping

Well, this mistake many people make again and again I don’t know why but try to understand when you go outside without planning you will end up purchasing anything which you are not thought so do try to make a list before going out. So that you can save a huge amount of money and I know when you do this one day you will not understand the first day but when you do this every day you will see that you have saved lots of money at the end of the month.

8. Use cash instead for online payment

Shocked by listening. You need to switch to this because you never know or we never know while we do transactions online without looking at the bank balance how much money left and we can’t feel that when it goes from your account. But when you make a cash payment it seriously hurts you that yeah you paid that much amount of money. Because you can fill that cash you know that it is going from your hand you are seeing that but when it comes to online you never know you can’t feel that anything not talking about everyone but yeah at least many of us don’t get an idea. If you don’t have cash and it’s an emergency than you can go with online payment.

9. Bulk Shopping

Don’t get me wrong I am trying to say here that if you buy every small things every now and then. Take an example of a student let’s say you buy one notebook every time so you will get that in some extra amount but once you get that notebook in a bulk you will get a good amount of discount so in that way you can save your money or for anything okay buy in bulk if possible while doing shopping or all those things okay so act smart don’t purchase anything without thinking.

10. Pay off debt as soon as possible

When you take a debt you need to pay interest on top of that right and the longer you pay that debt means that you need to pay those extra amounts of money in the form of interest you too know it still makes this mistake so try to clear as soon as possible. If you get some money from anywhere oror bonus increment or whatever just try to pay of your debt as soon as possible if it is a 9-month EMI get it done within 6 months or try to minimise the duration by giving extra EMI.

11. Government transportation

There is not necessary always that if you have your personal four-wheeler or two-wheeler then you should go with that always. Yeah, I know that you had purchased that vehicle for transportation right but there are lots of ways instead of that you can use government services which will help you to save much more amount of money.

12. Look at 3-4 shops

Many people have a tendency that they will go to one shop and they will buy the things without bargaining or let’s they will purchase from that shop but I highly suggest you that visit two – three shops nearby that so that you will get an idea. I am pretty sure that once you go to 3-4 shop you will understand what exactly the price should be and how much the guys are taking from you whether the price is high or low according to that you can choose to purchase that thing.I know it will take little bit time but to save money you need to do this hard work.

13. Save Tax legally

Save tax legally. I know after listening to this you will say we save tax by not giving tax. This is not right but you should give tax according to the income slab. In order to save tax legally there are lots of schemes available to save much for money so anyone can get the help of that save huge money in tax the condition is that you should aware of that that’s it.

14. Pay Yourself First

This is the most popular rule when it comes to saving money as soon as you get a payment or anything first you need to take aside a small amount of money from that salary which will immediately you will save that amount of money anywhere or you will transfer that one to any other bank which will help you to save money without forgetting it.

15. Stay away from selfish friends

You might feel bad but it’s true. You can’t bring your friendship in between money everytime. Because it’s your hard-earned money. Your family is also dependent on you so you can’t always give your friends a chance to take advantage of your goodness. Friends who always just uses you to pay his or her bill every time. I think you need to seriously rethink on your friendship.

16. Avoid frequent parties

If you do it once in a while no problem but if you do it regularly not only you waste your time but also it takes away money from you to do right? So you need to think about what are you doing right or wrong but I have a suggestion avoid having frequent parties and to save more and more money.

17. You can live without a subscription also

You can live without a subscription. I mean have you ever calculated how much amount of money in a that subscription you had wasted. If you don’t believe me go and check how much money do you pay every month and when it comes to investing you don’t have money what rubbish are you kid? No na so go and cancel out the subscription which unnecessarily creating you poor or the reason for your struggle.

18. Automate your savings

If you forget to save your money you can automate your savings. Banks provide this feature you can go and ask your respective bank for it without failing if you want to save money.

19. Create a budget

In order to save money creating a budget is a one of the best methods to save more and more money because once the budget is made. You know that how much amount of money to spend, where to spend, what to spend and all the subjects so making a budget is very important if you seriously want to become a millionaire.

20. Track your expenses

In order to save money you need to first track. So first check your money how much money you are spending, where you are spending, are you seriously spending or money or wasting your money? So that’s why all this you will get to know once you track your expenses I know it may be time taking but trust me it will save your lots of dollars in the future.

21. Cut unwanted expenses

Once you know where your money is going. If it is going on the wrong direction you need to seriously cut down your expenses no matter how small or big the money it is taking. If you think that it is seriously useless for you and just you can cut down your wanted expenses.

22. Create an Emergency Fund

Creating an emergency fund will help you to save money because when you make an emergency fund you make yourself disciplined so in this case you need to save anyhow.

23. Look at your bills

Look at your bills, electricity bills or any other bills like recharge bills, etc that where it is going wrong if unnecessary it going you need to seriously take care of it. Listen carefully to what I am going to say everything you pay extra you need to work hard to earn that you need to understand this thing.

24. Don’t make your house storehouse

Yes, it is true if you don’t believe me go and see your house right now how many things are useless but still you have kept that thing in your house. You can just give these to scrap dealers and you can get any something or some money that will be useful for you just to make your house look like the house.

25. Invest your money

Only saving will not do for you in a longer period of time. If you want to live a healthy life you need to invest money and by applying the above points that you will save much amount that you can put that amount money in investing so that you can make your money go without you working for it.

26. Earn more to save more

Yeah straight forward if you want to save more you need to earn more you need to cut down your expenses but once you cut down your expenses you need to also earn more so that you can grow in your life. Also, you can’t only depend on only one income source throughout your life.

27. Get the help of a financial advisor

You will say getting the help of charge me I know that they will charge you but instead losing all the money that you have giving money to financial advisor is wise option. Are you getting my point so it’s become very important to get the help of a financial advisor when required? So that you can’t make any mistake and see to it that you seek help from a good financial advisor who can seriously get out of you from your financial crisis.

28. Review

Review seriously you can’t only dependent on your one plan throughout the life. You need to change that or changes or customise it according to your needs your wants or your goals. So you need to do that plan over the period of time, from time to time once in a month at least or I say at least once in a week will be much better if you want to have a clear track on your money.

29. Patience

Listen to all the above points which I had said will only work when if you have that patience and the second thing is that have a patience. If you don’t have any patience forget about becoming rich it will be hard to survive also. So everything demands patience if you have that thing and if you consistently work on that without looking at the output I am definitely sure that you can become rich and fulfill your desire one day.

I hope you like 29 money saving times which is practically possible to anyone. Try and let me know in the comments.

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