How To Make 100 Crores – Complete Guide

How to make 100 crores in India or where you live doesn’t matter. How to make 100 crores is a huge achievement because people work whole and don’t even get to 100 crore forget about 100 crores, they don’t retire with 1 crore retirement corpus. I appreciate your thoughts because thinking how to make 100 crores requires huge guts.

Well, I am going to give you the way you need to walk on yourself and at your pace. What I mean here is to say how to make 100 crores in 1 year, how to make 100 crores in 2 years, how to make 100 crores in 10 years, how to make 100 crores in 20 years, how to make 100 crores in 30 years all these you need to decide which suits you it is important to make that 100 crore rather than thinking to make 100 crores in overnight and at the end you go nowhere.

So don’t be in a hurry making. Making money is easy but creating wealth takes time I hope you got my point what I am saying.

Things you should know to make 100 crores

  1. Personal Finance
  2. Time Management
  3. Emotional Control over Money

How to make 100 crores

Listen one thing making 100 crores is not that much easy that’s why you have few options only to make it count for you. Some of the ways to make 100 crores are as follows.

  1. Business
  2. Athlete
  3. Famous Personality
  4. Investing
  5. High Paying Job

Well might there be some other ways but they are not legal or they are very risky. Let’s say one can make 100 crores with trading but I don’t recommend that because it is very risky.

How to make 100 crores in Stock Market

Well, I said earlier you can choose your pace of going because the stock market is the slowest way to become rich. Why I am saying this stock market is the game of compounding and compounding takes time and you need to give time to its power of compounding to show magic for you. Everything has two phases positive and negative so the negative of the stock market is it takes time you can say that. But actually, it is fine if you want to become rich you need to have patience also.

But if you are looking to make money in the stock market or make 100 crores from the stock market you can invest according to your needs and goals with the help of a sip calculator.

If you do an SIP of 1,00,000 Rs for 33 years one can make above 100 crores. You can see the below screenshot for a better understanding. Still, if you don’t believe you can go and check out the SIP Calculator.

How to make 100 crores in Stock Market
How to make 100 crores in Stock Market

Now I hope you have a clear picture. So what next? Listen if you are 25 now then at 58 you can get 100 crores is it useful its everyone’s personal choice. You can retire with that corpus. Do your own analysis before putting money anywhere.

But if you are looking to retire at an early age you need to look for other options such as business, athlete, becoming a popular personality, or high paying job.

Again it’s a personal choice you can go with any of the options how you like.

Bonus tips save more, earn more, and invest more if you want to achieve your goal of how to make 100 crores in your life.

The last thing is that if you want to retire at an early age you need to upgrade your skills. The more skills you have more earnings you can, and you get paid for the value you provide so if you provide less value to them you get less salary and if you provide more value you get paid more.

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