Is 6 LPA good salary for freshers

Is 6 LPA good salary for freshers seriously speaking, it depends on the following factors. I know you will say I am happy to get a 6LPA salary as a fresher or might you say it’s too low? I know that’s why it depends. You will say it depends in terms of what. So have a look below.

  1. Location
  2. Age
  3. Needs
  4. Dependency
  5. Dreams

1. Location

Listen no matter how much you earn the first thing first you need to consider is where you stay, or where you work. Because it becomes very easy to understand this fact that if you live where the cost of living is very low then obviously 6LPA will be a good amount of salary as a fresher. But at the same time when you look at tier 1 cities, you will always find that 6LPA less. Well, don’t make any conclusion only seeing one factor which is 6 LPA good salary for freshers or not.

So I hope you understand that your cost of living is also one factor to see to understand this question Is 6LPA good salary for freshers or not okay.

2. Age

If you are at 22 age then 6LPA might be a good salary if your location option is ticked. Well because you are at an early age here you don’t have that much responsibility that’s why at an early age it is a good amount. But if you are around 30 might not be that same answer for you because at that age you might have the responsibility of your parents and your newly family if you got married at that age.

3. Needs

Needs are very important. One can live their life without a luxurious lifestyle but no one can live without needs. Needs are the basic requirements that are important for every common people living on this planet. Again if your needs are getting cleared in 6LPA salary then pretty good but if you are feeling somewhere that no money is not enough then you might get the answer that 6LPA is not a good salary for you.

4. Dependency

If no one is dependent in your family then the green signal is for you but if you 4 people dependent on you seriously red signal is for you. So you need to try to raise the income bracket because if you are earning 50,000 Rs per month and 4 members are dependent on you not a good sign.

5. Dreams

Listen dear if you want to live a luxurious life sitting beside a beach. Or looking to world tour you can’t. I know what I am saying 6LPA is not the amount which will help you to travel the whole world. So do understand you need to look for high-paying jobs other than this. But if you don’t have all these dreams then might be 6LPA good salary for you if you have the other 4 options tick.

How to know is 6 LPA good salary for freshers?

Once you go through all the 5 options if all those 5 options are in your favor then 6 LPA salary is good for you. I know it might be hard for you I know it because it is not possible for everyone to tick all 5 options but again it depends on you.

What if 6 LPA is not a good salary for me?

  1. Develop skills in your respective fields
  2. Look for more high-paying jobs
  3. Create another source of income source
  4. Learn personal finance

I hope you got the answer what you were looking for is 6 LPA good salary for freshers or not. Comment below what else you are looking to read I will try my best to provide article on that topic if possible.

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