Top 10 Reasons For Leaving A Job (Increase Income)

Reasons for leaving a job? Are you wondering if should I leave a job or not? What are the good reasons for leaving a job or bad reasons for leaving a job? Listen carefully the thing that I am gonna talk about is that you don’t need the top 10 reasons for leaving a job or a list of reasons for leaving a job. Yeah, you only need one strong why. Why should you need to leave a job simply?

If you got my point reading further will be a point for you otherwise it will not be beneficial for you seriously man. I am going to talk about multiple reasons for leaving a job anyone or more than one match that means you need to seriously quit your job otherwise you will not be happy from within seriously dear.

Things to know before leaving a job

  1. No matter what the situation may be for leaving a job but you also know that the job was the earning source for you. In order to sustain or enjoy your life you need money. See to it that you have some income source that can generate cash flow otherwise, you are going to suffer in the future seriously.
  2. Have proper planning before leaving a job so that quitting the job won’t affect you and your family.

Top 10 reasons for leaving a job

  1. You are not comfortable with the position you are in your job
  2. Your passion is another and you are stuck with your job
  3. You hate your boss because he or she always scolds you
  4. You get a low paycheck
  5. You want to run a business
  6. You don’t get time to follow your hobby
  7. You can’t spend time with your loved ones
  8. You are going to get a good offer from another company
  9. You are changing your location for any reasons
  10. You are looking to explore new options

1. You are not comfortable with the position you are in your job

Listen if you are new to the job I mean the initial days or weeks are not comfortable for anyone with the job but there are many cases where many people get good jobs and the environment and they are very comfortable with that I know that but I am not talking about that ok. So let’s back to the topic if you are going to a job for months let’s say you had worked a couple of months and after that, you think that you are not fit for that job or the workload is hectic, or for any reason, that means it can create a problem for you seriously.

2. Your passion is another and you are stuck with your job

Some people have their desire burning passion but because of some serious issue, they need to do a job. But suddenly they realize that this is the thing that they don’t need to do. They are not made for this job. They need to follow their passion because, in the end, they want to make their career what they are passionate about not what the situation makes them.

3. You hate your boss because he or she always scolds you

First of all, you need to ask yourself boss always scolds you for what purpose are you doing anything wrong? It’s your fault or whatever the reasons may be. If the answer comes yes it’s your fault. Then I highly suggest that there is no point in leaving a job because of your mistake and blaming your boss for quitting a job. In the end, you go anywhere you have to hear that with any boss. If the answer comes no your boss always tortures you or humiliates you without any mistakes then in that case you can choose to change your job.

4. You get a low paycheck

If you are working for years and still your boss is like I am not gonna increase your salary. I mean how? This is very bad behavior. Anyways you can change your job if you think that you can’t carry your expense with that low paycheck.

5. You want to run a business

Not bad reasons seriously. It’s a good move I personally think. Anyways but the thing is that you need to keep in mind that business requires lots of capital. And once you leave a job and you will run a business you know this is that profit and loss is a part of business for your safety you need to have an emergency fund that can help you in bad times. But before you quit that job you need to see to it that you have some extra money for your saving and business which will help you to kickstart your business.

6. You don’t get time to follow your hobby

Are you frustrated with your that daily 9-5 job or looking to follow your hobby but your job is getting in your way? Well here time management comes into the picture but managing time well because your boss most of the time gives you more work at the day’s end. You work at home also to complete that task and if you are fed up with your whole day working then you can look for a job where you can spend your time wisely on the job and on your hobby also.

7. You can’t spend time with your loved ones

Well, this is a red signal for you at the end you work for them and if you can’t spend time with them then what’s the point? I am not against but you ask this question by yourself. Do you need that kind of job where you can’t spend some time with your family you can’t go to tour with your family because of your job or you can’t attend any functions because of your job etc etc etc…

8. You are going to get a good offer from another company

I must say that unless and until you get a good offer and joining letter from another company you don’t need to leave your job. The reason why I am telling you is that most of the time I had seen many people leave their current job because they have got an offer from another company. But what happens is that after any reason they don’t get that new job and after knowing this they are like what should I do now? They are nowhere. So be alert.

9. You are changing your location for any reasons

If you have a good job and you are like you can’t get this job anywhere so I highly recommend you to find another way instead of changing your location because you are not gonna find that company anywhere. Or you can look for another branch of your company which can give relief. Last you need to look for any other job similar to your current job it will be hard to find that but not impossible.

10. You are looking to explore new options

Thumbs up it is a good option. You need to see to it that you have to get ready for new challenges. But it will be a fascinating journey if you don’t give up. But you are like you get tense with small challenges then this might can be the wrong decision otherwise it can be alright.

When can I leave a job?

Listen it’s up to you. But If you ask me or any sincere financial advisor they will tell you that once you earn more than your job (If you are running side hustles side by side) or you are getting paid more than your current job it can be a great option for you. In the end, it’s your call.


It’s not bad to have a job but if you are feeling not ok with your job and that comes from within then seriously it is not bad actually it is very very very bad. Many people have reasons for leaving a job but the thing is that they fear. They don’t have that risk-taking capacity that makes them work lifelong jobs that they hate whatever the reasons may be.

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